L İ M A K   T E C H N O L O G Y

We talked to Hasan Çetin, Quality Manager from Limak Tourism, about TYS.

The fact that the Limak Supplier Portal is capable of meeting our needs has accelerated our transition to the TYS system.

We talked to Hasan Çetin, Quality Manager from Limak Tourism, about TYS.

Hasan ÇETİN Limak Tourism Quality Manager

How did you transition to a digital supplier management system? Which factors were effective in the decision-making process?

Within the scope of our vision of digitalisation in all our processes, we also had digitalisation plans in the supplier management process. We wanted to carry our works such as preparation of the Approved Supplier List, DFIF (Corrective Remedial Action) process, evaluation of suppliers, supplier trainings, satisfaction surveys to digital. The fact that the Limak Supplier Portal developed by Limak Technology is capable of meeting our needs accelerated our transition to the system.



What positive changes did you notice in your business processes after you started using the system?

We prevented labour loss in DIFs opened to suppliers; Hotel Quality Managers used to forward them to the Central Purchasing Unit, and Central Purchasing used to direct them to the relevant supplier. Now, DFIF notifications are automatically sent directly to the supplier and the relevant persons between our hotels through the system.

In addition, the portal also has a mobile application. DFIF can be opened instantly.



With this system, what innovations or conveniences have you provided in areas such as supplier selection and supplier evaluation?

With the correct definition of the setup at the supplier selection stage, especially the control and approval of official documents and quality documents through the online system makes the system reliable. In supplier evaluation; it was a nice innovation for us that the system warns when the expiry date of the uploaded quality documents is reached and automatically informs the supplier about the need to upload new documents.


The fact that the portal sends a reminder message via e-mail and whatsapp to suppliers who have not completed their DFIF tasks will contribute to the closure of DFIFs by the supplier.


We plan to save time spent on reporting by conducting supplier audits through the portal.



How easily is the system integrated into your existing business processes and other software you use?

We use MC Stock Management Programme (Protel). It was integrated very easily.



Are you satisfied with the support service you receive for technical or operational problems you encounter?

Yes, the technical team is very successful in finding solutions to problems. In addition, a WhatsApp group has been created to provide faster and more effective solutions.


Hasan ÇETİN | Quality Manager | Limak Tourism