L İ M A K   T E C H N O L O G Y


Limak Energy generates, distributes and supplies energy in Turkey and on an international scale.

The Energy Sector is one of the most critical and dynamic sectors of today. Limak Technology, operating as a pioneering actor in a field that is constantly evolving and developing with ever-growing energy demands, environmental sustainability targets and technological advances, is located at the perfect intersection of energy and technology. Turning the challenges brought by Industry 4.0 into opportunities, Limak Technology continues to shape the future of the energy sector with our strategies that optimize elements such as software, digital transformation and artificial intelligence with the value chain.


Innovative Approach in Energy Efficiency

Limak Technology stands out by offering sustainability and efficiency-oriented solutions in the energy sector. By using the power of technology, it optimizes the processes from energy generation to distribution. In this way, it ensures the efficient use of energy resources with the smart systems required by Industry 4.0. Limak Technology has become the pioneer of the sector by combining its creative approaches in energy efficiency with innovative solutions brought by digital transformation.


Thanks to artificial intelligence supported analytical solutions, it maximizes the balance between energy generation and consumption. In this way, it increases coordination between facilities and optimizes efficiency at every stage of the value chain. In this way, it offers its customers the opportunity to make the most of the advantages brought by the transformation in the energy sector.